Topsy obviously decided to make the most of the remaining mud this morning! |
Today has been the first day of the year when it's been possible to do all the chores with no wellies! Hooray...and it's T-Shirt weather! The ponies are losing the last of their winter coats and their lovely shiny summer coats are at the ready to fully emerge.
We started the week with woolly hats and fleeces (and mud of course!) and we had a couple of brilliant local chaps come to put some gates in for us, thanks to Ted and Jenny. They were able to improve the set-up of where the ponies go in and out of the yard area with two gates - one for tractors and one for ponies. It looks very smart...Topsy now has the job of eating some lush grass for us to get it operational and all incorporated as part of the pony field.
We are pleased to announce that to replace our normal fundraiser at The Brooke show, we have been accepted to have a stall at the Tiverton Balloon Festival in July! This is the biggest event that we've ever attended and we're looking forward to it...it's three days for us during the afternoons and evenings. For more information visit
Thank you very much to Vanessa for donating our free membership and entries to the Horse Agility Club - the deadline for the online starter course is getting very close now but we're still hoping to make it for the starter course entries.
On Thursday, Faye went to visit some members of Frodo's pony family - his sister Winnie, his half sister Millie, and his Mum Tess (aka Mrs Brownhead) - it was lovely to meet them all and Catriona. Winnie's not been feeling well so we hope she feels better and back to her normal self very soon. Millie is a half sister of Frodo because although they share the same Mum, Millie's Dad was very clearly Dan rather than Apache. The strange thing is that Millie is MUCH bigger than both her Mum or Dad so there must be some "nearly 13hh" genes in there somewhere. Millie has such a lovely personality - so clearly like Dan but without the fear.
On Friday it was "now or never" with the mud and rolling - it's so much easier to walk around when it's rolled - it makes a big difference...and then today we helped Ted and Jenny make a gravel pathway and tidied up one half of the tack room.
We've been inundated with midges but thankfully Bobby's been managing well with our special mixtures that we apply. They've been biting us as well as the ponies!
Catherine's husband is now home again and feeling much better - so we wish him a speedy recovery...and we must say a belated "Happy Birthday" to Peter who was 10 on Thursday.
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