Billy Boy grazes up the lane on a nice loose (and long) lead rope.
He's getting good at yielding to pressure and is OK with cars moving slowly past him.
There are a couple of issues though. BB was very unsettled a few days ago when out on the lead and would not lower his head to graze; the next day was no better and Paul had to retrieve his navy fleece from the wash. BB was absolutely fine as soon as Paul appeared in the usual attire. We have seen this before with traumatised ponies and it is something to be aware of; hopefully BB will gradually become used to Paul wearing other clothing but we will stick to dark colours.
The other problem is that BB has become worse, not better, at having his headcollar on, sometimes needing an hour of patient work before he can accept it. Paul is experimenting now with leaving it on and putting another on over the top.
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