Sunday, 17 February 2019

Tribute to Munchie

My favourite photo of Munchie in the summer
We are very sad to have to post that our lovely Munchie (Munchkin) had to be put to sleep yesterday afternoon.  He has been a firm favourite with everyone here and is going to be very missed by his rather large fan club, being particularly well loved by our younger supporters.  He was definitely a "people pony".

We really have done everything we could to help him - we've had a long, hard road helping him as he had to return from a loan home where he developed very complicated metabolic problems - he's taught me so much, particularly as he never conformed to any standard textbook guidance - definitely the opposite of everything for Munch, thinking "outside the box" was a necessity for looking after him.  At least we managed to get him a couple more years of time with us.

12 days ago he started showing structural problems and despite all of our best efforts to help him, unfortunately there was something wrong in his nerves/back that we couldn't fix - - we tried so hard for him because he was so determined to be here...but after having showed some improvement, yesterday his hind legs were no longer working for him - neither us nor any specialists could help him and he showed us it was his time to go.  Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported us during this time.  We love you Munchie - your spirit, your determination, your affection, your mindfulness with people, your teaching, your gentle playfulness with the young humans, and your love of can run free now lovely boy.

Munchie trying to persuade people to let him help eat their ice-cream at
summer haymaking - certainly off limits for ponies!

Munchie out on excursion with Archie and Alfie the dog.  Munchie
up until very recently was coming for walks in the fields along with Alfie and Faye on a daily basis.

 Margaret said...
Lovely pictures of a truly lovely pony. I am so sorry we have lost him.
19 February 2019 at 09:26
 Lovetoallnature44 said...
Very special lad indeed and very well loved he Will always be with you and in our hearts
7 April 2019 at 20:58

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Friday, 1 February 2019

Alfie Loves To Play In the Snow!

Munchie Knows How To Find The Lawn!
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Snowy morning

Bobby in the snow
Topsy stayed nice and cosy last night - her rug is a size too big really
but it was the last size available in the store and she's very glad of it right now!

Topsy has icicles on the outside of her rug

Wheelbarrows last night - you can see how much snow had fallen by 10.30pm.

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